you want me to drink that? negative advertising

we haven't posted in a while because basically, we haven't been out for coffee and have been drinking away with out little stovetop perculator (just a little experiment at the moment- better to have cheap ok tasting coffee than to spend big bucks on bad coffee).

we thought we'd start up a bit of a regular post as they come along of pictures we find of advertised coffees that look...well, really not that apetising.

today's pic features: 80's foam! i guess some people might like 80's dishwasher foam but if a coffee came out looking like this, i wouldnt be too excited.

a theory we have developed over the years is that if a barista/cafe cares about their coffee enough to have good milk and going further, latte art, you have high chances of getting a decent coffee. don't care about milk, don't care about the coffee. not always the case, but mostly. thoughts?


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